CBD and Sports Recovery

CBD is a product that may improve the wellbeing from daily walker to the pro-athlete and occasional runner. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the naturally occurring and most prevalent cannabinoids in cannabis, mostyly due to its anti-inflammatory benefits. Nowadays, sports leagues are starting to consider it a medicine due to its significant effect on athletic performance and recovery. Muscle soreness and injuries are part of athlete life; Cannabidiol (CBD) may impprove inflammation. CBD may alleviate soreness and may speed up recovery from sports injuries. ( Study: Cannabidiol and Sports Performance: a Narrative Review of Relevant Evidence and Recommendations for Future Research)

Among 11 different cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, Cannabidiol (CBD) is a topical product that quickly recovers from a sports injury.

How is CBD helpful in sports recovery?

When CBD interacts with the endocannabinoids system in the human body, it affects bodily processes such as pain perception, sleep quality, and appetite. When we apply CBD as a topical cream or oil tincture, may help improve our lifestyle.

Benefits of using CBD for Sports Recovery

Similarly, for athletes, CBD is a helpful way to decrease inflammation, muscle soreness, and pain because it has anti-inflammatory properties and recover fast after a hectic training. According to research, CBD oil or tincture is highly effective in pulled muscles and strains.

“The first time I ever tried CBD was to help sooth my anxiety. I was fed up with taking various pills to try and make me ‘better’… it wasn’t how I wanted to live my life anymore. So I gave CBD oil a try. It was a huge relief for me to feel like myself, yet the edge was gone. A bonus to the whole thing was the relief from various aches and pains I have. Especially the arthritis in my knees. It immediately alleviated 90% of my pain… The benefits of CBD oil are unlike anything any pill or medication can do.” – Tom Hanks

1.Sleep and Relaxation

CBD is a well-known product that induces sleep without causing any drowsiness. Quality sleep is the most crucial aspect of a big game for a sportsman for balance hormone, body repair, and recharge. So Cannabidiol (CBD) is more preferable for sports recovery than sleep medicines.

2.Reduce Inflammation

A recent study reveals that CBD can reduce pre and post inflammation because CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the muscle soreness of an athlete and help him recover faster for the next game.

Find out more about CBD & inflammation in our blog Can CBD help acne?

3.Reduction of Muscle Spasms

During sports, muscle spasm is most frequent issue occurs due to nerve damage or muscle sprains. Cannabinoids have antispasmodic properties present in CBD oil and help in fast recovery from muscle spasms.

4.Pain Relief

Cannabis is an analgesic, which helps to relieve pain both during and after exercise. Many athletes use CBD post-workout to help manage pain from muscle aches to sore joints and older injuries.

CBD benefits

5.Cardiovascular Support

An athlete should have a healthy body and good health for a great game. Blood pressure is the most common health problem among all people. So CBD is proved to be a therapeutic solution for cardiovascular diseases.

6.CBD and Anti-Catabolic Properties

CBD helps in sports recovery by reducing the breakdown of lean muscle tissues, which helps to build muscle mass. According to research, the anti-catabolic properties of CBD regulate the hormone Cortisol (Stress hormone), which is essential to break muscle tissues and supply blood sugar to the body.

What Types of CBD Can You Use for Sports Recovery?

The selection of CBD products depends on the goals and situation.  CBD products for sports recovery include a range of drinks, lotions, oils, salves, body balm and CBD Shots. Topical CBD products help in localized pain joint pain and muscle soreness.

Likewise, CBD tinctures are used to treat anxiety in sportsmen. Choose a specific dose of tincture and apply the drops sublingually (under your tongue). Similarly, CBD shots help to combat insomnia when athletes facing trouble in sleep at night.


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